Environment and Sustainability

Environment and Sustainability

FBC is a consultancy practice specialising in Structural and Civil Engineering services with experience of working in the commercial, industrial and domestic markets.


We recognise that our activities can have an impact on the environment in terms of use of materials, building construction, energy consumption and waste generation.


FBC will use its best endeavours to ensure its design solutions, policies and practices make a contribution to the stewardship of the earth

To achieve this end we at FBC are committed to:-

  • Continued improvement in our environmental performance
  • Compliance with all environmental legislation, regulations and codes of practice relevant to our industry
  • Undertaking our work in an ethical and sustainable manner
  • Preventing pollution
  • Acting in a socially and environmentally responsible way

It is the policy of FBC to:-

  • Make efficient use of natural resources by conserving energy and water, minimising waste and recycling where possible
  • Design civil engineering projects and building structures to best environmental practice and deliver sustainable construction
  • Deal positively with environmental quality issues relevant to our projects and integrate such thinking into our design processes
  • Bring any environmental damage to the attention of the relevant authorities
  • Meet its duty of care requirements in relation to waste by ensuring the safe keeping, transportation and subsequent recovery or safe disposal of waste
  • Keep up to date with and seek to contribute towards advancements in relevant environmental knowledge
  • Communicate environmental issues and raise awareness to all our employees and ensure they are given appropriate training on environment issues


FBC will review our environmental policy on a regular basis taking account of any changes in

legislation, our company and any other relevant factors

Environmental impact assessments of schemes across the UK for various types of development:

  • Pre acquisition and feasibility assessments
  • Design and build experience on major construction projects
  • Land use development

Site investigations:

  • Phase I and II environmental assessments
  • Desktop studies/investigations
  • Intrusive phase II investigations including boreholes, surveys, soil sampling for geotechnical
  • properties, soil gas surveys

Mitigation and implementation:

  • Preparation of management plans for habitat creation, protection and after care in conjunction with Local Authority and Environment Agency requirements
  • Pre-purchase risk assessments
  • Support with planning applications

Ecological assessment including:

  • Pre-purchase risk assessments
  • Support with planning applications
  • Planning appeals
  • Environmental statements

Protected species surveys and mitigation:

  • Amphibians
  • Mammals
  • Birds
  • Plants
To discuss our services and how we may help, please do not hesitate to contact us on: 01625 548 551 or 01282 450 811