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Completed in November 2022 a new housing scheme on the site of the former Woodbine Mill in Sycamore Avenue, Burnley for Calico Homes. The development comprises a variety of housing units ranging from new semi-detached homes with terraced properties and a separate apartment block.   FBC acted a Civil and Structural Consultant in designing new site drainage for adoption by United Utilities including drainage diversions and surface water attenuation/storage on site. External works with Lancashire County Council adoptable roads to the development and anew vehicle site access off the existing highway. Building plot foundations together with superstructure including suspended floors and roofs....

Completed March 2022. Structural consultant for modifications to existing retail outlet store involving incorporating new shop units within store together with forming of new glazed shop window frontages and separate internal refurbishment of store restaurant area. Undertaking of Principal Designer role under CDM 2015 Regulations and liaison with all parties particularly as construction works were undertaken during store trading hours with all appropriate Health and Safety measures implemented.   ...

  We are pleased to announce our appointment as Civil and Structural Engineers for the multi million pound industrial development for the Epwin Group at Telford, Shropshire. Construction work is due to start in early 2019 and involves the building of a 284000 sq feet industrial storage building and refurbishment / conversation of a 160000 sq feet existing building into manufacturing. Surrounding the buildings will be new access roads, vehicle parking and storage areas with associated drainage and other major infrastructure and services. Site access is via a new vehicle and pedestrian entrance off the adjacent public highway which is to be upgraded to...

FBC are delighted to have been part of the team involved in the showroom extension for Kia Cars and wish them every success.  The Client said:-   “it exceeded their expectations as to what they wanted to achieve”   ...