We are pleased to announce our appointment as Civil and Structural Engineers for the multi million pound industrial development for the Epwin Group at Telford, Shropshire.

Construction work is due to start in early 2019 and involves the building of a 284000 sq feet industrial storage building and refurbishment / conversation of a 160000 sq feet existing building into manufacturing.

Surrounding the buildings will be new access roads, vehicle parking and storage areas with associated drainage and other major infrastructure and services.

Site access is via a new vehicle and pedestrian entrance off the adjacent public highway which is to be upgraded to incorporate road widening and general improvements. The following photographs show commencement of the earthworks including site strip and lime stabilisation during the Spring and Summer of 2019 and the start of steelwork erection.

May 2019 




As the project moves into 2020 the main site entrance and associated road works have finished and construction of the extension concrete yards and drainage is nearing completion.  Additional works have included new three storey internal offices which are due to be completed during March 2020.  Photographs below show part of the completed building and the internal offices under construction.

February 2020 



July 2021 

Aerial view of the completed project.